<.> Encodable
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Creating a legend

encoder.getLegendInformation(dataset) generates metadata for rendering legend.

const legendInfo = factory
color: {
type: 'nominal',
field: 'brand',
scale: { range: ['red', 'green', 'blue'] },
radius: { value: 5 },
shape: { value: 'circle' },
.getLegendInformation([{ brand: 'Gucci' }, { brand: 'Prada' }]);
// [
// // legend group information
// {
// field: 'brand',
// type: 'nominal',
// items: [
// {
// input: 'Gucci',
// output: {
// color: 'red',
// radius: 5,
// shape: 'circle',
// },
// },
// {
// input: 'Prada',
// output: {
// color: 'green',
// radius: 5,
// shape: 'circle',
// },
// },
// ],
// }
// ]

This also works with quantitative fields, with small difference.

const legendInfo = factory
color: {
type: 'quantitative',
field: 'price',
scale: { domain: [0, 20], range: ['#fff', '#f00'] },
radius: {
type: 'quantitative',
field: 'price',
scale: { domain: [0, 20], range: [0, 10] },
shape: { value: 'circle' },

Unlike the nominal field, items is not included in the output, so you cannot use legendInfo[0].items directly. Have to create legend items manually from inputs.

In the future we can implement logic to infer the appropriate inputs from continuous domain and output items the same way the nominal field does.

legendInfo[0].createLegendItems([0, 10, 20]);
// [
// {
// input: 0,
// output: {
// color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
// radius: 0,
// shape: 'circle',
// },
// },
// {
// input: 10,
// output: {
// color: 'rgb(255, 128, 128)',
// radius: 5,
// shape: 'circle',
// },
// },
// {
// input: 20,
// output: {
// color: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
// radius: 10,
// shape: 'circle',
// },
// },
// ]